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Is there a unique process which governs macroevolution

Tonći Kokić - Izvorni znanstveni članak

Upravlja li makroevolucijom zaseban evolucijski proces?

Some philosophers and biologists believe that there is a distinct and unique macroevolutionary process, while others are of the opinion that there is not. Contemporary opinions on this issue are presented in Dietrich’s and Erwin’s respective essays published in Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Biology, edited by F. Ayala and R. Arp. Contrary to the paper titles (Microevolution and Macroevolution are Governed by the Same Processes and Microevolution and Macroevolution are Not Governed by the Same Processes), indicating apparently contradictory attitudes, the two authors’ viewpoints are much more subtle and nuanced. The set of assumptions of Dietrich’s extrapolation view appears to be inconsistent, and the theory may be saved by a shift to paraconsistent logic which, in spite of the contradiction, does not lead to the collapse of the theory. On the other hand, Erwin’s hierarchic view implicitly supports the existing logic of the superordinate theory, believing that there is evidence that at least in one case it is possible to prove that macroevolution cannot be reduced to a microevolutionary process. The study of emergence would indicate the acceptability of the claim that geographic range at the species level represents a weakly emergent phenomenon which cannot be explained by being reduced to microevolution processes. Nevertheless, the hierarchical view still seems to lack sufficient convincing evidence for that claim.

Filozofi i biolozi nisu složni oko postojanja zasebnog makroevolucijskog procesa. Suvremeni filozofski stavovi oko ovog pitanja predstavljeni su analizom Dietrichovog i Erwinovog eseja objavljenima u zborniku Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Biology urednika Ayale i Arpa. Suprotno naslovima eseja (mikroevolucija i makroevolucija su vođene istim procesom i mikroevolucija i makroevolucija nisu vođene istim procesom) koji upućuju na kontradiktorne stavove, razlike dvaju gledišta su fino iznijansirane. Analiza ukazuje na inkonzistentnost Dietrichovog ekstrapolacijskog gledišta koje može biti spašeno samo usklađivanjem pretpostavki standardne teorije evolucije s parakonzistentnom logikom koja ne vodi kolapsu teorije. S druge strane, Erwinovo hijerarhijsko gledište implicitno podupire postojeću logiku nadređene teorije vjerujući da je u barem jednom slučaju moguće dokazati da makroevolucija ne može biti svedena na mikroevolucijski proces. Proučavanje emergencije ukazuje na prihvatljivost tvrdnje da geografska raširenost na razini vrste predstavlja fenomen slabe emergencije koji ne može biti objašnjen svođenjem na mikroevolucijske procese. Slabost ovog tvrdnje je u manjku dovoljno uvjerljivih dokaza pa u konačnici standardno ekstrapolacijsko gledište nije osporeno.

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