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Academic motivation of primary school pupils: Relation with general feelings towards school and specific aspects of the quality of school life

Marija Buterin Mičić - Izvorni znanstveni članak

Akademska motivacija učenika osnovnih škola – povezanost s općim osjećajima prema školi i pojedinim aspektima kvalitete školskog života

The research presented in this paper is aimed towards examining the relation between the pupils’ perception of the school life quality and different types of academic motivation (external and autonomous). The data was collected using Self regulation questionnaire-Academic (Ryan & Connell, 1989) and Quality of school life questionnaire (Ainley & Bourke, 1982). The research included 434 primary school pupils from fifth to eighth grade. A positive correlation was found between all variables, where the strength of the correlation varies depending on type of academic motivation. In general, it can be concluded that those pupils who express more positive feelings towards school and who more assess specific aspects of school life more positively are more autonomously motivated to fulfill school obligations. Obtained results are discussed with reference to the relevance of pupils’ quality of school life in enhancing autonomous motivation in the academic domain.

Cilj istraživanja predstavljenog u ovom radu je usmjeren na povezanost između učeničkog doživljaja kvalitete školskog života i njihove akademske motivacije: kontrolirane (eksternalne i introjicirane) i autonomne (identificirane i intrinzične). Pri prikupljanju podataka korišteni su Self regulation questionnaireacademic (Ryan i Connell, 1989) i Quality of school life questionnaire (Ainley i Bourke, 1982). U istraživanju su sudjelovala 434 učenika petih, šestih, sedmih i osmih razreda osnovne škole. Utvrđeno je postojanje pozitivne korelacije između svih varijabli uključenih u ovo istraživanje pri čemu razina korelacije ovisi o vrsti akademske motivacije. Učenici koji pozitivnije doživljavaju školu i specifične aspekte školskog života ujedno su više autonomno motivirani za izvršavanje školskih obveza, Dobiveni rezultati su razmotreni s posebnim naglaskom na važnost kvalitete školskog života učenika u poticanju autonomne motivacije u akademskoj domeni.

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