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Konzervativizam u SAD-u u drugoj polovici 20. stoljeća i konzervativne vrijednosti

Petar Šturanović - Izvorni znanstveni članak

Conservatism in the USA in the Second Half of the 20th Century and Conservative Values

U radu se analizira konzervativizam u SAD-u, njegove osnove i posebno značenje religije u ovom učenju. Uočena je jasna razlika između europskoga i američkog konzervativizma u tome da je europski branio aristokraciju, društveni poredak i crkveni establišment, a da je američki bio utemeljen na idejama tržišne ekonomije, antikomunizma i kršćanske moralnosti. Prezentiran je razvitak američkoga konzervativnog pokreta s polovice 20. stoljeća od Buckleya do Kristola, njegova kompleksnost i različite škole koje su bile značajan dio ovoga pokreta. Istaknuta je njihova bit, ali i nedosljednosti. Posebna je pažnja posvećena religijskom konzervativizmu. Predstavljena je kritika konzervativizma općenito, kao i pojedinih njegovih frakcija.

The author analysed conservatism in the United States as a political philosophy, its foundations, as well as the special significance of religion in this doctrine. The author made a clear distinction between European and American conservatism and pointed out that while European defended aristocracy, social hierarchy and church establishment, American post-war conservatism was based on the ideas of market economy, anti-communism and Christian morality. He explained the relationship between the conservative movement and the conservative, Republican party, defining that relationship on the principles of balance, and the movement’s willingness to fit into the party only if the party platform represents the interests and ideas of the movement. The development of the American conservative movement from the middle of the 20th century, from Buckley to Kristol, its complexity and various schools of thinking that represented a more or less significant part of this movement, were presented. The author tried to outline their essence, but also to point out possible inconsistencies. He wanted to show the importance of religion in each of the conservative schools of thought, from Burkean, through southern and paleoconservatism, to neoconservatism. Given its importance and influence, he paid special attention to religious conservatism. It is presented a critique of conservatism in general, as well as its factions in particular.

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