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Vulnerability of the Church through Abuse of Power, Body and Conscience

Josip Bošnjaković - Izvorni znanstveni članak

Ranjivost Crkve kroz zloporabu moći, tijela i savjesti

The wounds on the Body of Christ are a part of God’s identity. Pierced arms, hips, and legs are a sign and testimony of the Paschal Mystery that is Passion, Death, and Resurrection. The Church is a vulnerable and wounded Body, just as any other person is vulnerable and wounded. The Body of the Church and the body of a person can be wounded by processes that take place within the Body/bodies, and other institutions, persons, states, Churches, religions. The article discusses the wounding of the Church due to the consequences of the processes that take place within the body, and above all, due to the abuse of power, body, and conscience. When the body is exposed to the gaze of others due to being wounded, then a reaction is possible through the feeling of shame, through a complex experience that speaks of the inner process of a being that feels ashamed, which is exposed to the gaze of others. Recovery from wounding is a lengthy process that requires openness, honesty, wound detection, and talking about the course of events that led to wounding. At the same time, the wounded Body needs help, hence the article talks about possible recovery from abuse through tenderness, compassion, empathy, spiritual monitoring of people on their path to recovery.

Rane na Kristovu tijelu jesu dio Božjeg identiteta. Probodene ruke, bok i noge znak su i svjedočanstvo pashalnog misterija, to jest muke, smrti i uskrsnuća. Crkva je ranjivo i ranjeno tijelo, baš kao što je i svaka druga osoba ranjiva i ranjena. Tijelo Crkve i tijelo osobe može biti ranjeno procesima koji se događaju unutar tijela, ali i u odnosu s drugim institucijama, osobama, državama, crkvama, religijama, tijelima. U članku se govori o izranjenosti Crkve zbog posljedica procesa koji se događaju unutar samoga tijela, a napose zbog zloporabe moći, tijela i savjesti. Kada je tijelo zbog izranjenosti izloženo pogledu drugih, tada je moguća reakcija osjećaj srama, kompleksnog doživljavanja koje govori o nutarnjem procesu bića koje se srami budući da je izloženo pogledu drugih. Oporavak od izranjenosti dugotrajan je proces koji traži otvorenost, iskrenost, otkrivanje rana i govor o tijekovima koji su doveli do izranjenosti. U isto vrijeme ranjenom tijelu je potrebna pomoć te se stoga u članku govori o mogućim oporavcima od zloporabe, putem nježnosti, suosjećanja, empatije, duhovnog praćenja osoba na njihovu putu oporavka.

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