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Politička liturgija i obredno u (post)sekularnom političkom poretku

Hrvoje Špehar - Izvorni znanstveni članak

Political Liturgy and the Ritual in the (Post)Secular Political Order

U radu se istražuje način promjene obrednoga u okviru političkih liturgija između sekularnoga i postsekularnog doba i poretka, kao i prethodna konstitucija političke liturgije kao društveno-političkog fenomena. Politička liturgija se analizira na tragu istraživanja Claudea Rivièrea, te se nastoji pokazati da je suvremeni razvoj demokratske ustavne države, kao i njezina transformacija u oblik postmodernog i postsekularnog poretka uvelike obilježena prisutnošću obrednoga u politici. Pri analizi ključnih prekretnica između političkog institucionaliziranja u obliku sekularnog doba i njegova postsekularnog razvoja, rad se osobito oslanja na interpretacije Williama T. Cavanaugha, Charlesa Taylora, Jürgena Habermasa i Marcela Gaucheta. Istraživanje pokazuje da je s dubokom društvenom i političkom transformacijom demokratske ustavne države u postsekularno doba njezina obredna dimenzija izložena snažnom dezintegrativnom procesu, te je sve manje u stanju jamčiti društvenu koheziju, kakvu je još mogla imati u sekularno doba, naime u doba stvaranja moderne države kao političke forme.

The paper explores how the change of the ritual takes place within the framework of political liturgies between the secular and post-secular age and order, as well as the previous constitution of the political liturgy as a socio-political phenomenon. The political liturgy is analyzed in the wake of Claude Rivière’s research, and seeks to show that the contemporary development of the democratic constitutional state, as well as its transformation in the form of a postmodern and post-secular order, is largely marked by the presence of the ritual in politics. When analyzing key milestones between political institutionalization in the form of the secular age and its post-secular development, the paper draws particularly on interpretations by William T. Cavanaugh, Charles Taylor, Jürgen Habermas and Marcel Gauchet. The research shows that with the profound social and political transformation of the democratic constitutional state in the post-secular era, its ritual dimension is exposed to a strong disintegrative process, and is less and less able to guarantee social cohesion, which it could still have in the secular era, namely in the era of the creation of the modern state as a political form.

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